It should be no surprise that millions of uneducated, boorish people have elected to the United States presidency a man who validates their ignorance and boorishness. After all, when one holds a world view that depends on snippets of information without any verification based on careful, reasoned thought, the leadership of a narcissistic fool whose own opinions come primarily from obsessive television viewing seems completely natural and just.
What makes this current situation so nefarious is its facilitation by Information Science, from the blathering bosh bloviated belligerently on Twitter, to the hand held toys millions of knuckle-dragging mouth breathers use to consume those utterances. Other than gaining a rudimentary skill at pushing buttons, the masses led astray by their demonic digital devices have little ability and less interest in delving into the subtleties of information validation. Merely owning the toy, and referring to it hundreds of times on any given day, gives them the illusion that their stupidity equals education.
And what, pray tell, are the Biblioposers doing to dissuade these misguided souls from their deluded debauchery? Rather than promote the reading of books and tout the advantages of critical thinking gained therefrom, those currently in charge of American libraries are working overtime to destroy their codex inventory and promote searching “tools” that would be easily comprehensible to a chimpanzee. The simple truth that has manifested itself in these dark times is that if you build a search tool for idiots, mostly idiots will use it, and their use will make them feel as if their crude misconceptions are as valid as those held by genuinely educated people.