Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Can You Live Without It?

In a world of selfie-snapping saturation we observe with some amusement the recent outrage over Facebook’s exploitation of personal information. If a person stood in the public square shouting details of his last restaurant meal to passersby and then took umbrage when his listeners repeated his dining preferences, we would consider the speaker a fool or a madman. Why is this conclusion any different from those social media sociopaths who share their most intimate life details on the internet? The expectation of privacy from those who engage in a public forum is absurd, and is yet another example of the growing idiocy promoted by the purveyors of perfidy. The fact that relatively few addicts seem to have been capable of quitting Facebook after the privacy scandal broke is yet another indication that the use of this digital drug is the ultimate opioid crisis.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

To Serve and Protect?

If we accept as true the latest pablum from the ALA, “Librarians stand up for your right to read,” we must also admit that many librarians are lying down on the job. As the massacre of the printed word continues in college libraries across the country, we must ask what sort of “reading” are these former book custodians protecting?

Your right to read the latest 140 character drivel from the Orange Occupant of the Oval Office on your radio telephone is already protected without “librarian” intervention. Your right to review the latest baby goat videos and images of your friend's restaurant meal choices does not depend on a diligent depository denizen declaring defense. Your right to be totally misinformed by a lack of ability to read beyond the length of a bumper sticker does not hinge on a biblioposer’s policing.

In a way Information Scientists ARE defending your right to consume electronic nibbles so easily digested since they are eliminating the alternative at an astonishing rate.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Another Voice Crying in the Digital Wilderness

We have been celebrating here at True Archives whenever we note further advocacy of print and sanity on the Internet. Here for the first time we feature the work of Jen Sorensen, a talented and award winning cartoonist who contributes to DailyKos and other progressive publications. Check her out here.

Not only is this cartoon funny, insightful, timely and wise, it also saves us the trouble of altering another classic comic or pulp magazine article for this month's entry! How could we possibly top this?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Roosevelt Ramblings

Don't get us wrong; here at True Archives we love Theodore Roosevelt. The 26th President of the United States was a prime example of a man who was born rich and yet rose above it. Roosevelt was a native New Yorker, a trait he shares with the current idiot who occupies the Oval Office, but instead of the drooling illiteracy displayed by the Orange Orangutan, Teddy was an intellectual who devoured books and wrote dozens himself.

Perhaps this is what pains us as we point out the current lunacy regarding a planned "Theodore Roosevelt Library" by boosters in the Badlands of North Dakota. At a cost of over 85 million dollars, the people are pushing to build a "library" which will HAVE NO BOOKS AND NO ARCHIVES!!!!! Teddy's papers are already held by Harvard and several other institutions that have real libraries (you know, the kind with books) and the North Dakota promoters seem to feel that having computer kiosks with scanned documents from those repositories will constitute a legitimate claim to be a "library."

A museum with interactive computer exhibits dedicated to Theodore Roosevelt is a fine idea, but we say call it what it is: a MUSEUM! Make no mistake, every attempt to label a bookless institution a "library" cheapens the institution and increases the power of the biblioposers who want a society of mushy-brained cell phone addicts. Teddy himself would call not "Bully" on such a place, but probably would use another term that begins with the same four letters.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Sweet Taste of Validation

Remember the last time you won an argument with your spouse and achieved validation with those elusive words “You were right”?

Of course you don’t! NO one wins those domestic arguments with such an emphathic conclusion! (I speak here as a 44 year veteran of domestic bliss.) However, we are delighted to report a published validation for our never-ending tirades against Information Scientists as they destroy libraries, books, and deep reading in these benighted times.

The latest issue of the New Left Review contains this insightful article by Rebecca Lossin exposing the biblioposers for their situational (yet superficial) embrace of the printed word only when it suits their purpose. Lossin points out precisely how “e-books” are not books at all, and how deep reading habits disappear in a world where print is rendered into zeros and ones. The author presents her argument in a reasoned, academic essay that, in comparison to our own sarcastic postings on this blog, is like the quality of Chateaubriand to a hotdog.

Here at True Archives we might smugly point to such a scholarly treatise to say “I told you so,” but we are above such self-congratulatory posturing. After all, a rare taste of validation is one to be savored more than slathered.