Monday, April 14, 2014

Development Dangers

All of us who toil in the vineyards of archives know we are the prime partner of our host institution's fund raising people. After all, who has the coolest stuff in the library? Not the Information Scientists, who can only point to their sterile rows of computer monitors where one may sit and look at the same mind-numbing stuff that everyone else is dawdling over. Our stuff is unique, rare, and sometimes bizarre, but it is always interesting, and that is why the development people love us so much. In the True Archives world, we relish the role we play in helping rich folks find some worthwhile place to stash their disposable income, but at the same time we want to make sure it is THEIR income they are forking over!


  1. I really like your blog ! So true and so fun !

    1. Thank you! I have been having a lot of fun making these covers and always wanted to share them with others. Besides, complaining helps me blow off steam!
